About epilepsy
60,000 Finns are diagnosed with epilepsy of which 36,000 need regular epilepsy medication. Epilepsy is a long-term illness and the treatment is often lifelong.
First aid
Anyone can help a person who has an epileptic seizure. Seizures usually last only a few minutes and pass by on its own. If a seizure is prolonged or recurs so soon that the person does not fully recover in between, call the emergency services at 112.
Daily life with epilepsy
Epilepsy can bring many changes into daily life. Sometimes there might be changes to studies or work. For many, driving ban complicates daily life.
Self-care refers to all of the things you can do to make yourself feel better. There are many daily tasks that influence your well-being when you have epilepsy. For example, daily routines and sleep supports your care.