
Together the epilepsy associations in Helsinki, Pirkanmaa and Pohjois-Pohjanmaa decided to establish a national epilepsy association on the 10th of September in 1969. Professor Erkki Kivalo was a significant influencer during the establishment of the association. He was the chairman of the establishing meeting in Pitäjänmäki at Helsinki.

  • First Epilepsy magazine by the Finnish Epilepsy Association came out in 1970.
  • First courses were organised in 1974.
  • 1980 was the year of campaigns when topics of the Hope Program and fundraising were epilepsy and the society, help children with epilepsy to live, love life, and help people with epilepsy rehabilitate.
  • Research and development activities supported by the Slot Machine Association during 1994-200 with the themes: together stronger and gaming services.
  • The Year of the Wolf film gave epilepsy a face in 2007 (Suden vuosi).

The Common Responsibility Campaign

The roots of Common Responsibility Campaign (known in Finnish as Yhteisvastuukeräys) are deep in Finnish history. The first fundraising took part in 1950s to help families after the war and frost year.

The fundraising of Common Responsibility Campaign is conducted by the Evangelical Lutheran Church, which helps people in need around Finland and developing countries, regardless of their origins, religion or political beliefs.

These fundraisers took place in 1970-71 for the work and outpatient activities of people with epilepsy.

The Common Responsibility Campaign

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