Influencing and collaboration
The Epilepsy Association affects nationally as well as internationally. Social influence is an important way of implementing the union’s strategy and contributing to the achievement of its goals.
The Epilepsy Association’s strategy 2025 outlines the main points of influencing.
Nationally we influence the social and health politics via different networks. We aim to make a difference to the availability of good care and services together with collaborations and specialist health care professionals.
There is still stigma and attitudes around epilepsy that can prevent people with epilepsy to fully participate in influencing the society. With out work, we advance open attitudes towards epilepsy and diminish prejudice.
Epilepsy associations can influence local decision making by bringing good conduct to other epilepsy associations.
Within international networks, we bring out good Finnish conducts to the knowledge of other epilepsy associations. At the same time, we gain comparable information about other countries’ diagnostics, care and need and availability of support.
We campaign annually on International Epilepsy Day.