Values and strategy

Our dream for 2025

Everyone with epilepsy will receive good care and can live an equal and unique life.

Strategic choices

Renewable community

Our aim is to create new ways of participation and to make the epilepsy community stronger. To fulfil this aim

  • We create new structures for volunteering that support the power and livelihood of our activities
  • We develop new ways of working that enable more people to participate and become a part of the community.
  • We offer places to participate that excite the current individuals and invite in new volunteers.
  • We move away from a member-way of thinking to ideas of broader participation.
  • We look for and take into action opportunities that digitalisation brings to participation.
  • We build and model new patterns for volunteering and peer support activities.
  • We support individuals’ ability to face differences and work together across age groups, disabilities, and linguistic and cultural backgrounds.
  • We strengthen association-hospital cooperation by clarifying all roles and responsibilities. We offer epilepsy professionals tools that they can use to guide individuals with epilepsy to receive peer support.

Strong influencer

Our aim is to increase the understanding of diversity of epilepsies and reduce the stigma around it.

To reach this aim

  • We will work towards open and less stigmatised attitudes towards epilepsy.
  • We produce and distribute recent information about the diversity of epilepsies.
  • We bring out the voices of those with epilepsy and their closed ones.
  • We bring out the prevention of accidents and improvement of health through the importance of lifestyle in reducing risk of epilepsy.

Our aim is that comprehensive care and rehabilitation is available to everyone with epilepsy.

To reach this aim

  • We will make a difference together with specialists to the accessibility of good care.
  • We will gather people’s experience of comprehensive care and possible deficits in care.
  • We as a patient organization, will participate in the national coordination group for severe epilepsy.
  • We bring forward the views of a patient organization to Europe’s severe and rare epilepsy ability network (EpiCARE).
  • We will influence on social, health and social security reform together with our cooperative networks.
  • We bring out experience knowledge to improve services.

Our aim is to enable participation and equality of people with epilepsy

To reach this aim

  • We will improve the knowledge of decision makers about the daily needs and support individuals with epilepsy and their closed ones need.
  • We improve the communal and safe options for living together with cooperative networks.
  • We contribute to the development of mobility support services.

Developer of wellbeing

Our aim is that people with epilepsy and their closed ones receives necessary information of the illness and how to survive with it.

To reach this aim

  • We will increase the accessibility to reliable and understandable information about epilepsy.
  • We will produce information package about epilepsy to newly diagnosed about peer support and facing a new situation in life.
  • We will produce age-appropriate information about epilepsy and growing up for children.
  • We will produce culture sensitive materials of epilepsy and living with epilepsy in multiple languages.
  • We will acquire information about the daily challenges and need for support of those with epilepsy and their closed ones.

Our aim is that children, youths and families will receive early support for their well-being.

To reach this aim:

  • We will strengthen the resources of the families of those with epilepsy by developing early support based on peer support together with hospitals, epilepsy association and families.
  • We will increase the knowledge about epilepsy in different languages.
  • We will support youths’ management of daily life and participation in communal and coaching ways.
  • We will conduct school visits and educate teachers and other staff together with young individuals.

Our aim is that every person with epilepsy and their loved ones are offered professional and peer support, networks and courses to support their assets.

To reach this aim

  • We will lower the threshold of accessing support services and increase support channels.
  • We will increase special knowledge and resources which we will use to strengthen the daily well-being, networking and empowerment of those with rare epilepsy and their closed ones.
  • We respond to the need of psychosocial support by organising courses in different ways: online, open, regional and national.
  • We organise courses across diagnostic boundaries and in collaboration with other organisations.
  • We will develop new policies and themes in collaboration with hospitals and epilepsy associations.

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