There are approximately 10 000 young people with epilepsy in Finland.
For the majority of young people with epilepsy, symptoms are well-managed with medication and the condition doesn’t significantly limit their lives. However, for some epilepsy can be challenging and greatly impact their daily life.
Regardless of the nature of epilepsy, treatment is always essential, and it’s important for the young person to accept epilepsy as part of their life. Even if a young person has difficult-to-treat epilepsy, learning difficulties, or other neurological disorders, it remains crucial for them to gain independence and take responsibility for their own affairs, despite these challenges.
Listen to experiences of young people in our podcast series
In episodes 6, 7, 10, and 11 of #JokaSadas (OneInAHundred) podcast, you can listen people talking about their experiences and how epilepsy has affected their lives during childhood and adolescence. Episodes cover topics such as school, moving away from home, and taking the first steps into working life. Listen to the #JokaSadas podcast on our website in Finnish.
More information from Health Village (Terveyskylä)
You can find more detailed information in Finnish on the Terveyskylä.fi website about epilepsy and the types of epilepsy in children and adolescents.