
A parent’s epilepsy influences the whole family. Tell your children honestly about epilepsy so that the information is adjusted according to their age and developmental level. This way it is easier for them to ask about epilepsy later on.

How can you support a child?

When a child has been told about epilepsy, it is easier for them to ask questions in the future. Most parents know what they can tell their children. It is good to reduce your children’s worries by explaining that their parent receives help for the illness, like medication. Children need reassurance that they will be taken care of despite the illness.

Epilepsy can be frightening for a child. You may approach a conversation with your child by asking “I see you are thinking about it. Shall we talk about it?”. Above all, a child needs security and attention – there does not need to be a thorough, in-depth conversation every time. The illness can be brought up during a nice activity when you can ask about the child’s thoughts more casually. Answer their questions and seek information together. You can always consult your doctor for more information.

How to cope with situations regarding epilepsy?

It’s important for parents to have another adult available to share responsibility during an epileptic seizure. If a child is present during a seizure, they should know what to do, with their main task being to alert an adult to the situation.

Make a safety plan together!

If an ambulance picks up a parent, children are naturally distressed. It is important to give security to the child and hold on to routines. A child needs to be told what has happened, and that mum or dad is in hospital being taken care of. You could consider sending a message, calling or taking a drawing to the hospital together with the child when they are allowed to visit.

Seek help

If you find yourself lacking resources or information, remember that you’re not alone. You can reach out to the maternity clinic if you’re concerned about your child; these services are available to support the entire family. Additionally, your child’s school nurse or psychologist can provide guidance and support for both your child and your family.

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Tanja Vihriälä-Määttä

Tuen vapaaehtoistoimintaa ja koordinoin vertaistukitoimintaa. Vastaan lapsiperheiden toiminnasta. 

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