Peer support
Only someone who has gone through the same experience knows how you feel. Peer support is voluntary, confidential and equal communication based on similar experiences. It helps you to feel that you are not alone with epilepsy.
Peer support is all about sharing experiences
Peer support is sharing experiences with a person who has gone through the same situation as you. The most important elements of peer support are listening and sharing. When a person receives an epilepsy diagnosis, seeking information is important. It is crucial to hear what the diagnosis means in practice and how it influences daily life. Those in similar situations can share their experiences of survival or living with an long term condition. At best, peer mentoring can improve your quality of life and provide help and support in daily challenges.
How to find peer support?
Peer support is present in everything we do: at the Finnish Epilepsy Association’s and the local association’s events and occasions, in Friend Cafes, courses, various meetings, but also online, in videos, podcasts and other recordings. Our activities offer many opportunities for exchanging experiences, for example by age, diagnosis or life situation. If you are looking to find peer support for your situation, please do not hesitate to contact us.